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Quiet & Overwhelmed to Quiet & Confident
Start Here; Introduction to the steps to becoming a confident Introvert
New Lecture (6:03)
Welcome (13:07)
Module 1: Where the problem starts
Where the problem starts (8:55)
Where do I belong?
Where do I belong? (11:47)
Hard to be visible
Hard to be visible (16:21)
Privacy (7:57)
Consequences when we don't feel good about who we are
Consequences when we don't feel good about who we are (12:27)
Ways we try to solve the problem
Ways we try to solve the problem (8:42)
Needs, Needs, Needs
Needs, Needs, Needs (10:51)
Introvert Strengths
Introvert Strengths (6:57)
Next Steps
Next Steps (6:37)
Ways we try to solve the problem
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